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Basic information

Portal cintoriny.sk is dedicated to serve general public, but also specialists looking for information about solving complete cemetery digitising tasks ranging from accurate geodetic measurement (possible is also aeronautical photography of cemetery) to storage of gravestone’s photographies, data about deceased, data about individual graves and others to databases. Attribute “Official” in The official portal of Slovakian cemeteries phrase stands for our statement that all data concerning graves, deceased persons, payments and states of contracts together with all digital maps of cemeteries are taken from official sources of cemetery administrations, which work with information system WinCITY Cemetery© developed by TOPSET company.

Functionality and possibilities

    • Symbolic cemeteries
    • Memorials to victims of WW I
    • Memorials to the victims of WW II


  • In tab Digitising cemeteries, people interested in taking care about cemeteries on professional level can find detailed information about digitising cemeteries, i.e. creating digital map of cemetery, collecting data from gravestones, collecting gravestone’s photographies, information system WinCITY Cemetery©, etc.
  • In tab Citations, you can choose from different citations, epitaphs and verses
  • In tab About cemeteries, you can find interesting information about history and presence of burial traditions and cemeteries in Slovak Republic and Europe with photo gallery

Personal data security

Click grave for further information, double-click to add memoart
Cemetery map placeholder.
After clicking on cemetery name or name of deceased in search results cemetery map will be displayed here.
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Grave coordinates not available

To display grave details, pick a grave from map or from search results.
Details of grave site will be shown here
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